Q & A

Where is the wedding?

The wedding is at Fishermen’s Inn in Elburn Illinois.

For more information, see the Location & Travel page.

When is the wedding?

The wedding is on June 10th, 2022. Doors will be open for guests to arrive at 4:30PM. The ceremony will begin at 5PM.

If you are running late, please remain in the lobby so that the ceremony is not disrupted.

When do I need to RSVP by?

Please RSVP no later than April 30th, 2022.

RSVP can be completed online here: RSVP

Where should I stay?

Information regarding accommodations can be found on the Location & Travel Page. 

If you would like to use the complimentary shuttle service, it will be picking up and dropping off at the Hampton Inn.

What should I wear?

Cocktail attire, please.

For further reference, here is a wedding attire cheat sheet we found: Attire Guide

Is the wedding indoors or outdoors?

Both the ceremony and the reception will be held indoors.

There will be a cocktail hour that may be outside on Fishermen’s Inn patio so that guests can enjoy the grounds, pending weather.

Can I bring children?

We recognize that many of our friends and family have children and we would like to note that this is an adult-focused wedding.

While children are welcome, we ask that consideration is taken to maintain an appropriate atmosphere during the ceremony and reception.

A large lobby space and quiet area will be available during the ceremony if necessary. The ceremony will run from 5PM to 5:30PM.